Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I passed my DELF B2!!

After some months of intense preparations for this, I was simply delighted to know that "j'ai reussi l'examen DELF B2"!!! Even though I have not got the actual results yet, I don't care!!! Feeling top of the world last Saturday (after my last French class for the term) when I saw my name in the list as the "candidats qui sont l'admis l'examen DELF B2!"

The months leading to the preparations were simply intense and at times I thought of just giving up. But knowing that I had paid quite a sum for this exam (preparation courses in May and the exam fee as well), I just bulldozed through the preparations.. Buying French magazines, reading articles on the net, anything just to keep my feet wet.

The exam itself was slightly OK, with the exeption of the killer listening comprehension (an interview about GENEPI (Groupement Etudiant Nationale D'Enseignement Aux Personnes Incarcerees) of which I left out 3 questions blank. Also, I attempted the oral question "Que font nos enfants sur l'internet?" (What do our children do on the internet?)

Time to get the C1 and/or C2 certs next year.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! I'm planning on passing my exam in May, but i'm quite scared... Please give me more details about the test (especially the listening part) ,add andreeaelsy@yahoo.com. Take care! Andreea

Natalia said...

Felicitations! J'ai reussi l'examen DELF B1 la semaine derniere. Je passerai le DELF B2 en mai 2008 apres mes cours de niveau 3, Alliance Francaise de Bombay. Que-pensez vous? Est-ce qu'il possible de reussir DELF B2 apres niveau 3? Je besoin le DELF B2 pour mes masters en France. Pourriez-vous me conseillerez?

J'attends votre reponse

Taz said...

Bonjour Natalia,

How's your preps for the exam? Here's your answer to your questions.

Yes you can try for the DELF B2 exam after your Niveau 3 course. It takes lots of preparations. Lots of magazine readings (especially the current affaires magazines) will definitely help.

I also use this book for my prepas.


Do get hold of authentic material (eg movies, audio clips, internet radio or even CDs) for the listening part. I must say that the listening part takes lots of careful attention to minute details.

Hope it helps.

Bonne chance!

Anonymous said...

bonjour. i am jacinta, i am a nigerian.i passed my delf b1 exam and i would be attempting the delf b2 exam in december but its really difficult to prepare as i am in an english speakin country and i only get to speak french in french classes which is not good at all.my major problem is the comprehension orale. congrats on your exams. jacintapaul@yahoo.com

Natalia said...

Hi Taz!
Thanks for your response that you gave months ago! I appeared for my DELF B2 last week and it went really very well. I hope to pass it. The results should be out in 3 weeks an I think I might just see a 'Admis' in front of my name. I had the subject 'La presse gratuit' for Comprehension ecrite and Production orale. I did speak for 20 mins. It went well. I did take classes for DFA1 and B2 partie 1 with Alliance Francaise de Bombay. Thanks so much for your reply. All the best for your C1 AND C2!

Bonne chance!

graciea said...


I wondered if you could give me some advice:
I have been studying French for a while now, and am right now just below the B1 level. I currently study one-on-one with a tutor and wanted to prepare for the DELF exams. My question is: should I take the B1 or the B2 in June?

I think it should not be too hard for me to be ready for the B1 exam fairly quickly, but do you think the B2 exam is much harder than the B1? I have 12 weeks to study French intensively (again, with one-on-one supervision), so would be able to devote a lot of time to preparing for the B2 this June, or do you think it is foolish for me to attempt this?

akshikabhagat said...


even i have my B2 exams on 20th may. M scared like hell. My writing part is good but listening is horrible. How many hours of practice you have really done? I m very passionate about french.but exam part ??? is terrifying. Can u help me?
My ID is akshika.bhagat@gmail.com or you can post your comment on akshikabhagat.blogspot.com



Taz said...

Hi graciea,

FYI, I did not take the B1 exam before taking the B2. And I must say that the preparations for this B2 is quite taxing on me and it has to come with lots of focus, preparation and practice. I have to immerse myself in French periodicals, hebo and also some TV (mostly news stories). But ultimately it's worth it I would say.

As such I would suggest you trying the B2 instead as it can accelerate the steps of getting higher qualifications later on. And no it's not foolish to do so. Just need lots of practice (especially listening comprehension and also oral)

Bonne chance!

Taz said...

Hi akshikabhagat,

For me, the listening comprehension and oral are the stumbling blocks and those need constant practice. Try to find sources of French literature, TV news, weblogs, etc to get into the French lingo and very soon enough you'll get the hang of it; their nuances, etc. It'll help you understand audio passages easier.

Anonymous said...

please tell me how to study on my on, like what all to read and listen to for the b2 exam!

Unknown said...

The DELF B2 is indeed challenging so hats off to you who have succeeded. If anyone is preparing to do the exam, then head over to www.stjeandelfstrategiesandtips.com
You will find great stuff there that will help with your preparations.