Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Need a change of working environment...

Appraisal time is coming and judging from the people who are about to get promoted and what I had gone through for the past year or so, it is time for me to really move on and switch jobs. I feel that I'm being used to fill the gaps for the operational side of my team and my leadership skills (like planning, task allocation, delegation, monitoring, etc) is not being tapped fully.

I'm the so-called team leader for my team but I'm being squeezed to do daily shift work and other mundane operational stuff that I'm pretty sick of it to the point of being bochap at work.... I can't do much planning as that would stretch me to be doing more overtime... Speaking of overtime, one of my managers hinted to me that I had done 37 DAYS (not hours!!) of overtime clocked for last year and they're having a hard time of compensating for me ( by giving off-in-lieu or paying in cold hard cash)

To add salt to my wound now, one of my campus mates is being promoted to managerial level. Well it's his rezeki (blessed accomplishments) and I can't say much.. The managers in my company look highly to him and I guess he deserves knowing how much effort he puts in.

I have to stop complaining and move on. Find new jobs where I can be better off... Time to sharpen my resume and interview skills.

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