Our maid had been with us for quite some time and so far we've been quite happy with her services.. She had been a great help to our family and my in-laws too.
Until today... because of her silly act which tilted our judgement of her and also caused her deportation back to her homeland tomorrow..
Today is Iffah's Sunday Gymboree class and we left for Camden Medical Centre at around 10 am. We also told her to clean up our place and do the ironings. Due to the fasting month, instead of having lunch outside as what we normally do on non-fasting months period, we went back home immediately after that. As we got back to our doorstep, and opened the door, I was taken aback to see a Bangladeshi coming out hastily out of Iffah's room!!!! It took me around 5 seconds to register to my mind that something fishy is going on down there!! Then our maid also came out of Iffah's room looking panicky and started to adjust her clothes a bit... hmmm what goes on before we came in I don't want to know. I asked the Bangla who was he and the maid told us that he's just a 'friend'... come on lah... don't lie to us...
Immediately I asked my wife to call Atuk to come down to our place asap... Atuk scolded her for a while and decision was made to have her deported tomorrow. We're going to send her back to the agency and say sayonara ....
What was she doing all these while at our place alone when no one's around?? Using our flat as a temporary romping place?? This is something which I really cannot take it.. If our maid was found to be doing things like breaking glasses, spoiling our clothes, tasteless cooking or even minor theft, I can still forgive.. but using our place to bring in your Bangla beau for sneaky breaks... then sorry... out you go... no more second chance!!!
Didn't manage to take a pic of that Bangla... but he left his footwear at our place and ran out in a hurry... so here's the pic of his footwear
Those are not Cinderella's slippers.... they're CinderBangla's!!!